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Ghost校園驚奇sunnie35351198,994 11-11-24
Ghost網路盛傳恐怖結婚照的真正秘密 ~附圖sunnie353511913,937 08-12-29
Ghost用視訊親眼見到女朋友sunnie353511911,130 08-12-29
Ghost別隨手檢東西sunnie35351199,345 08-12-29
Ghost恐怖的陽明山sunnie35351199,787 08-12-29
Ghost公車上的女孩sunnie35351199,366 08-12-29
Ghost十二點的電話鈴聲sunnie35351199,876 08-12-29
Ghost工廠鬼話sunnie35351199,462 08-12-29
Ghost爸爸別壓我的頭sunnie35351198,651 11-09-09
Ghost長髮女孩sunnie35351199,322 08-12-29
Ghost西瓜裡的頭顱sunnie35351199,814 08-12-31
Ghost金門無頭部隊的故事sunnie353511910,335 08-12-31
Ghost八十多人同時撞鬼sunnie35351198,985 08-12-31
Ghost軍中靈異之(浴室篇)sunnie35351199,167 08-12-31
Ghost裝甲車上的鬼魂sunnie353511910,422 08-12-31
Ghost鐵衣衛隊員的故事sunnie353511910,087 09-01-01
Ghost海潮的牽掛sunnie35351199,995 09-01-04
Ghost城隍辦事中sunnie353511910,364 09-01-04
Ghost飛機上的鬼故事sunnie353511913,756 14-06-12
Ghost漆黑的女舍五樓sunnie353511910,940 09-01-04
Ghost套房中的微風sunnie353511910,519 09-01-04
Ghost客運上的手印sunnie353511910,743 09-01-04
Ghost夜遊驚魂sunnie35351199,844 09-01-04
Ghost京都阿飄記sunnie353511911,086 09-01-04
Ghost外婆家的房間sunnie35351199,916 09-01-04
Ghost親身經歷sunnie35351199,602 09-01-04
Ghost地板上的腳sunnie35351199,910 09-01-04
Ghost學長保護學弟sunnie35351199,273 20-02-05
Ghost當兵的怪事francis9,246 09-01-18
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